One of the statements that my pulmonary rehab patients have told me is that they “want to enjoy life as much as possible yet they don’t want to do anything to put their lung health at risk.” Whether it be carrying around supplemental oxygen, worrying about triggers, or extending themselves physically…. There are some reasonable concerns that they have. I have put together a list of ideas or activities that people with lung conditions may be able to do without causing too much breathlessness and can be potentially done while wearing supplemental oxygen. (As with any of my suggestions… lung patients have to evaluate for themselves if the activity is “doable” or not.)
1) Make seasonal decorations – it’s easy these days to order crafting supplies from Amazon, Michaels, and Hobby Lobby. Find a fun (yet stress-free DIY decoration that you can make to add to your seasonal décor. I loved this ribbon wreath that could potentially add to any space.
2) Watch a spooky movie with friends.
3) Carve or decorate a pumpkin – Carving and decorating a pumpkin is a ton of fun to do by yourself or with your family. It’s easy to pick up a pumpkin from the grocery store and you can purchase a carving kit that you can use time and time again from Amazon.
4) Bake something yummy with apples – My favorite baked apple dish in the fall is an apple crumble. I love the fact that you don’t have to prepare a crust like a pie. Essentially throw together some ingredients in a couple of bowls and bake. Now that’s my kind of baking! Here’s an apple crumble recipe that has been rated 5 stars. If you have a great apple recipe… email me! I would love to share one or two on my Facebook page with others.
5) Enjoy a fall-themed coloring book.- Coloring books aren’t just for the young anymore. Many of my patients love to color to relieve stress and/or pass the time at doctor’s appointments/infusion appointments.
6) Go for a drive to enjoy the leaves changing – This by far is one of my favorite fall activities!

7) Swing by your favorite coffee shop and grab seasonal flavored coffee (Bet you can’t guess what mine is! Lol!)
8) Work on a fall-themed jigsaw puzzle – Who doesn’t love a good puzzle?
9) Get your candy ready and prepare for Halloween trick-or-treaters – Who knows what Halloween will look like this year with Covid so don’t go overboard. However, it’s fun to have a small dish of your favorite Halloween candy (hello Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups) out this time of year for those that might stop by.
10) Decorate your front door – Many of my patients tell me that it takes too much energy to decorate their home for each season. A good compromise to decorating the whole house is to decorate your front door.
11) Knit or crochet a warm fuzzy scarf – If I had any idea how to knit/crochet this would be on the top of my list!

12) Host a virtual tailgate party and root for your favorite football team – With Covid you may not feel comfortable having a ton of people over to cheer on your favorite team, but don’t forget with Facetime, Zoom, and Skype that you can host your own virtual tailgate!
13) Make indoor s’mores – If you wear supplemental oxygen, being around a campfire is a “No, no.” However, you can enjoy s’mores in the comfort of your own home (and I’m not talking about using your gas stove either!) Here’s a wonderful way you can enjoy these tasty treats by using your oven.

14) Trade your favorite chili and soup recipes with your friends – Who doesn’t love a good recipe swap?
15) Put a card in the mail to someone you are thankful for – Let’s face it. Everyone loves to get mail from their friends and loved ones. Take a moment to write a lovely note or a thoughtful card and make someone’s day.
16) Step outside your “comfort zone” and try a new fall-inspired food – We can all get stuck in a rut with the foods that we eat. Try a new recipe or cuisine that you’ve never tried before. You just might find a new favorite!
17) Pick out and taste test a bunch of different apples with your grandkids. Have them rank their favorites. – You can even do this activity virtually with a little help from their mom and dad. It’s so fun to see what descriptions and facial expressions children will come up with in describing food!
Thanks for Reading and Happy Fall!
Interested in reading more from BreatheLiveFit? Check out some blogs that I have written in the past!
Remember: We are in this TOGETHER!
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:) Christina
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